About Sibling Sexual Abuse

This post is for those who have survived sibling sexual abuse and for those who suspect something may have happened to someone they love. My goal is to help you recognize the hidden impact of sibling abuse, validate the emotions that arise, and inspire you to take steps toward healing. If anything in this post resonates with you, take your time. Healing is not a race. Feel free to pause, reflect, journal, or reach out for support as you go.

Sibling sexual abuse is one of the least discussed yet most prevalent forms of childhood sexual abuse. Because it happens within the family, a place that’s supposed to offer protection and love, many survivors struggle in silence, often minimizing their experiences or feeling unsure whether what happened to them was truly “abuse.” If you’re reading this and wondering whether this applies to you, a friend, or a family member, I want you to know this: your experiences matter.

What Is Sibling Sexual Abuse?

Sibling sexual abuse occurs when one sibling coerces, manipulates, or forces another into sexual acts. Unlike normal childhood curiosity, which is mutual and exploratory, abuse is characterized by an imbalance of power, secrecy, and coercion.

Some common patterns of sibling sexual abuse include:

  • Age or power difference: The abuser is typically older, physically stronger, or has more control in the relationship.
  • Secrecy: The abuse happens in private, and the victim is often threatened or manipulated into staying silent.
  • Force or coercion: This can range from physical threats to emotional manipulation (e.g., “If you tell, I’ll get in trouble, and it’ll be your fault”).
  • Repeated incidents: Although a one-time event of inappropriate behavior can be devastating, sibling sexual abuse is usually ongoing.

One of the reasons this abuse remains hidden is because many survivors don’t realize it was abuse until adulthood. They may assume it was “just how siblings are,” or they may have been gaslit by their families into believing they misunderstood what happened.

Why Is It So Hard to Speak Up?

For many survivors, sibling sexual abuse is accompanied by deep, suffocating silence. Families often don’t want to acknowledge that one child has harmed another, and parents may react with denial, minimization, or even blame.

  • “They were just kids.” Many parents dismiss abuse as sibling rivalry or normal childhood exploration, refusing to acknowledge the harm it caused.
  • “You’re exaggerating.” Survivors are often met with disbelief, as families struggle to accept the truth.
  • Fear of losing family relationships. Survivors may remain silent to avoid breaking apart their family or being ostracized.
  • Guilt and self-blame. Because families rarely discuss sibling sexual abuse, many survivors wonder if they somehow invited or deserved the abuse.

These reactions don’t just silence survivors—they compound the trauma, making them question their memories, emotions, and worth.

If this has happened to you, please know: you are not crazy. You are not overreacting. You are not to blame.

The Lasting Impact of Sibling Sexual Abuse

Sibling sexual abuse doesn’t just end when childhood does. Its effects can show up in adulthood in ways survivors might not even recognize as connected.

  1. Trust Issues in Relationships

Many survivors struggle with trusting others—especially in romantic relationships. You may feel like you can’t fully relax or believe in someone’s love for you.

  1. Sabotaging Love & Pushing People Away

Survivors often develop a fear of abandonment, leading them to test their partners, withdraw emotionally, or settle for unhealthy relationships.

  1. People-Pleasing and Codependency

If you were blamed, silenced, or ignored, you might have learned that your needs don’t matter. This can lead to over-giving, tolerating poor treatment, or struggling to set boundaries.

  1. Feeling Like You Don’t Matter

Many survivors carry a deep, unconscious belief that they are unimportant or invisible. This can show up in friendships, work environments, and romantic relationships.

  1. Internalized Shame and Self-Blame

One of the hardest aspects of healing is learning to recognize that you were never responsible for what happened. Even if you didn’t say no. Even if you felt love or attachment to your sibling. Even if your family blames you.

The truth is simple: it was not your fault.

How to Recognize Sibling Sexual Abuse in Others

If you suspect that someone you love has experienced sibling sexual abuse, here are some signs to look for:

In Children

  • Avoiding or being fearful of a sibling
  • Sudden withdrawal, anxiety, or depression
  • Knowledge of sexual behaviors beyond their age
  • Nightmares, bedwetting, or trouble sleeping
  • Acting out sexually with peers or younger siblings

In Adults Who Were Abused as Children

  • Unexplained self-doubt or deep-seated shame
  • Difficulty trusting partners, especially in intimate relationships
  • Patterns of toxic relationships or settling for less than they deserve
  • Chronic people-pleasing or an inability to set boundaries
  • A history of being dismissed, blamed, or silenced by family when speaking about past abuse

How to Begin Healing

If any of this resonates with you, the next step is acknowledgment. You don’t need anyone else to validate your experience—you are allowed to recognize it for yourself.

  1. Acknowledge That It Happened

Even if your memories are fragmented, even if your family dismisses it, your experience is real. You are allowed to name it.

  1. Break the Silence

Silence can keep trauma alive. Whether it’s through therapy, coaching, journaling, or confiding in a trusted friend, telling your story is a crucial part of healing.

  1. Find Support

You do not have to heal alone. There are therapists, support groups, and coaches who specialize in childhood sexual abuse and family trauma.

If your family refuses to acknowledge what happened, you can still heal. You do not need their validation to begin your journey.

  1. Release Guilt & Self-Blame

Abuse is never the victim’s fault. No matter what anyone says, you did not deserve what happened.

  1. Redefine Your Relationships

You get to decide who has access to your life. If staying connected to your family is causing you pain, you are allowed to set boundaries or even walk away.

A Final Word: You Are Not Alone

Healing from sibling sexual abuse can feel overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. You are not crazy. You are not broken. You are not beyond healing.

If you take one thing from this post, let it be this:
Your pain is real, and your healing is possible.

If you’re ready to get support, connect with me here

And if you’re feeling alone right now, please know: there are people who believe you, who see you, and who are ready to walk this path with you.

You deserve healing. You deserve peace. And you deserve a life free from the weight of the past.



  • Music as a self-care practice! Music is an important part of our lives, isn’t it? There are certain songs that take us back to a specific time of our lives, like our teen years, or an event, like our wedding day. My ex-brother and sister-in-law got married to the Beatles song, “Will You Still Love Me When I’m 64?” They’re still together. I should have known where my marriage was headed when my husband asked the mariachis to serenade us with, “El Asesino, which, in Spanish, means The Murderer (in case you were wondering). Oh, that should have been a red flag that I was creating my break up music playlist. And today it makes sense that one of my favorite songs to listen to several years into our marriage was Willie Nelson’s Country & Western hit, “You Picked a Fine Time to Leave Me, Lucille.” I hadn’t been happy for a long time. Music connects the head and heart! After I left my marriage, I listened to a lot of music that was heart-opening, like “Ra Ma Da Sa” by Snatam Kaur. I was very intentional listening as I engaged in my Kundalini yoga practice. And then I listened incessantly to Michael Franti. I resonated with songs like “Hey World (Don’t give Up), ” because I felt like my world was a war zone. It gave me hope and I felt like I was asking the Universe to not give up on me -personally! Oh, and I learned to drum – it was like listening to my own heartbeat that I had lost touch with. A few years later, my lover turned me onto Prog, and the musical bars were raised! Listen to Spock’s Beard’s masterpiece, “The Doorway.” Isn’t it beautiful? Listening to this can you see how relationships can serve as a catalyst for our evolution? A doorway to knowing ourselves more deeply… Music can be irreverent! But, that’s fun! I love empowering music, and one of my favorite singer/songwriters is Storm Large. She’s not for everyone, but she tells it like it is and she says things the most of us would never dare speak out loud. Like this inappropriate song called, “I Want You to Die!” It is appropriate however for the angry hurt moments…. She’s a powerhouse who has lived through abuse, neglect, and depression. I love her! And have seen her in concert a couple of times. She has a wide range and is comfortable performing in jeans and a t-shirt or a fancy gown, like when she played Carnegie Hall. I personally think every woman should know Storm. You can check out her racy music, I’ll just share a mild one here that is perfect for getting over someone. Here’s Storm’s version of “Hopelessly Devoted To You.” Let’s Co-Create a Playlist! Now it’s your turn? Share your EMPOWERMENT music here! What are some fabulous songs, artists, genres you listen to?

  • If you’re like most people, divorce has shaken your confidence to the core, leaving you feeling anything but desirable. Sexy isn’t about the shape you’re in or the clothes you wear. It’s definitely not about what someone told you or what anyone else thinks. Sexy is all about cultivating a mindset where you’re steeped in your own juiciness. Feeling sexy is an inside-out job, not an outside-in job. Here are three quick practices to help you cultivate a sexy mindset so you can learn how to be sexy no matter what is happening in your life. Read 3 go-to tips to bring your sexy back on my article at Your Tango!

  • How we interpret the events in our lives determines our experience. How can this be true? Let me give you an example. My mother left when I was a teenager. She left without saying, “Goodbye.” I interpreted her leaving to mean that I was insignificant. I felt as if I didn’t matter and was unworthy of her time and attention. The belief that I created in my own mind, led to a life in which I felt very insignificant. To avoid feeling insignificant I created situations in which I was a key player. I didn’t want to feel those old wounds and so I avoided them like the plague. Unfortunately, I still felt insignificant, and nothing I could do filled the wound. The only thing that shifted my experience was integrating The Law of Choice. Once I stepped out of an automatic negatively created interpretation, I was able to consciously create an empowering interpretation of these painful events. Choosing your interpretations of the events in your life is a very powerful step toward healing your heart. There is no better way to empower yourself than to view the circumstances of your relationship from The Law of Choice. We make hundreds of choices every day. Are they conscious? You make hundreds of choices about how to spend your money. You make choices to turn left or right all day long. You choose what books to read and you choose which shows to watch on television. The amount of choice that is available to you is insurmountable. Life is a matter of choice. Why would it not be true also for your thinking? You decide what to think about what has happened to you–what it means about you. Often you look outside of yourself for what to believe about yourself and the events of your life. With the ending of a relationship, you will find yourself with a potpourri of options. You can choose to think that the ending of your relationship is the worst thing that ever happened or the best. I’d like to support you in making a powerful interpretation of the ending of your relationship. An interpretation that opens the door to a life beyond what you can currently comprehend. A life filled with peace and love and fulfillment. Choose your thoughts! I love the work of Byron Katie because she is able to zero in on how our thoughts dictate our behavior. We will either choose to think thoughts that limit us or that expand us. We will choose thoughts that empower us or disempower us. via My Heart Heals With The Law of Choice | My Heart Heals.

  • When I saw this video, I cried… There are certain circumstances that can knock us down. Life throws us challenges: a move to a new home; a change in career; an unexpected death in the family; an illness; a divorce. We don’t always know how to get back up after big losses, but I hope this video gives you some inspiration to do it… to get back up and move forward. Feelings like sadness, grief, disappointment, frustration, and grief can overwhelm us. I know… I’ve been there! Do You Feel Alone? Going through a major life transition often leaves us feeling alone. Well-meaning friends and family can give us wonderful support, but it’s not always what we need and we can end up feeling more alone than ever. If this is your experience, you’re not alone (no pun intended). If you’ve moved, changed your career left a relationship then you have a lot to deal with. Your surroundings may have changed. The people you trusted and counted on may not be available in the ways you need them. You might need a new support system, and that is completely and totally normal and expected! Prepare Yourself! I know it’s not as easy as saying, “Just do blah, blah, blah!” You may know what needs to change. You may know what you need to do differently, but you may not be in a position to create the pathway to a better future. The woman in the video trained to run that race. She trained to win. She had a coach. She practiced every day. Take some time and create a plan – a step-by-step plan that gets you hooked into community gets you the support you need and holds you accountable for taking decisive and strategic actions to get back on top of your life. It may be a struggle. You may get out of breath feeling overwhelmed, but you can do it. Here’s how you can reinvent yourself and move toward a better future. With each and every action you take, ask yourself, “Will this keep me stuck in the past or will it propel me to the future I desire?” Ask this question for what you believe – do you need to change your beliefs? As this question for what you tell yourself in your internal dialogue – do you need to have a strong boundary with yourself to change how you talk to yourself? Choose who you will invite in as your support team. Who are your coaches and cheerleaders? Who can you complain to that won’t let you get away with complaining, but won’t make you feel bad about yourself either? Who will hold you in your highest, hold your hand every step of the way, and hold your heart in sacred trust? I will! If you want support to reinvent yourself, schedule a complimentary 30 minute call with me here and we’ll explore how I can support you.

  • Divorce is challenging no matter when you leave your marriage. Making the decision to divorce during the holidays can be particularly challenging. It’s not uncommon to put off the decision for a better time, like at the end of a year or when the kids go off to college. Unfortunately for many, the better time turns into years of indecision, deeper despair, and increased unhappiness. It’s a given that your family will be challenged regardless of when you decide to break up, however, there are things you can do to ease the burden and move forward with confidence that you’re going to be okay. My marriage ended just before Thanksgiving nine years ago, and it was a very sad and confusing time for everyone. Through my own experience and working with hundreds of people leaving a marriage, I’ve learned some tips to help you, not only survive the holidays but believe that you will at some point be able to thrive in your new life. Statistics have shown that it takes on average 4 to 8 years to completely move on from a divorce. Anything you can do to shorten your healing process will benefit you, and everyone affected by your breakup. Whether this approaching holiday season will be your first experience post-divorce, you’re in the middle of a breakup, or if you’re several years post-divorce and still haven’t been able to get through the holidays, these 3 tips will help! Surviving the holidays: Tip #1 – Connect! The most important thing you can do to survive the holidays is to create connections. Most people tell me that they feel out of place and that they feel they don’t belong anywhere. This is a normal experience that you absolutely must not give into. Connect, no matter what. Isolating yourself will breed feelings of victimization, loneliness, and sadness. You may still have these feelings, but you won’t be alone – and it’s much harder to dig yourself into despair when you are with people. Who you spend time with during the holidays may change, and this can be sad. Don’t let it stop you. If you always attend your in-laws’ holiday gatherings and this year you are not participating, find somewhere else to share the day with. You might want to attend a singles (or single parent) meetup for the holidays. There are a lot of them, but if there isn’t one in your area, then consider going out of town for the day. Call a friend and invite yourself to dinner. Some people tell me, “Inviting myself to someone’s holiday gathering means I’m pathetic. I won’t do it!” To this I say, “Do it!” Pathetic is an interpretation you’ve made. This brings me to Tip #2… Surviving the holidays: Tip #2 – Choose your interpretations! If you’re like me, and most of the clients I’ve worked with, you have special needs during the holidays: needs for compassion and care; needs for inclusion and kindness; needs for non-judgment and most of all a need to feel hopeful about your future. Making negative interpretations is common, so don’t feel bad if you’re looking at everything that is wrong with your situation. Just don’t stop there… Make a list of what you’re making your divorce, or the experiences you’re having, mean about you. Your kids may be angry at you. You might feel guilty that you’ve caused your loved ones to feel pain. You might feel you don’t deserve to be happy or you’re unworthy of love. Look at your interpretations and determine which ones make you feel bad and which ones make you feel good. Statistically, your interpretations will probably be negative. Knowing this will give you the awareness to consciously choose how you’re going to view your circumstances. Once you have your list of interpretations, see if you can create positive interpretations about your experience. For example, you get to create a new life for yourself, you deserve to be happy, the universe is conspiring on your behalf to give you everything your heart desires. If this feels too simplistic, schedule a session with me and we can come up with some powerful interpretations that you can hang your hat on! Surviving the holidays: Tip #3 – Create something new! Divorce = a lot of letting go! Use tip #2 to create an empowering interpretation about what you’re letting go of. Choose to see this as an opportunity to breathe something new into your life. Let yourself get creative and do something out of the ordinary, or something you’ve always wanted to do but couldn’t because of the relationship you were in. Try something new! What new tradition will you start this year? You might be overcome with grief, sadness, and guilt this year, but don’t let that stop you from moving forward. If you want some support in surviving the holidays and creating something new, then join me for a special call on Wednesday, November 13th at 6 pm pacific (9 pm eastern) and we’ll share more tips for surviving the holidays. We’ll brainstorm in this interactive community call to help you with new ideas and you’ll have an opportunity to join a small online group to help you survive the holidays and celebrate your successes – together… in community with people who care, so you don’t feel alone as you move through the next couple months. Join our call: Surviving the holidays: Taking a BREAK from divorce drama

© Leila Reyes Site designed by Sarah Clarehart