• Growth
  • Acceptance
  • Presence

I’m really glad you stopped by this special corner I’ve put together.

It’s a place for anyone who’s felt the shadow of childhood sexual abuse – whether that’s you finding  your own way to healing, someone looking to make things right, the incredible folks helping others through their recovery, or the supportive loved ones standing by with so much understanding and care.

I’ve gathered some things here that I really hope can light the way for you. There are books that moved me and might just touch your heart too, articles that shed light on the science of healing, exercises, and courses that can help you reflect and grow – all sorts of stuff, really.

To me, the most important thing is this simple truth:

Healing is possible for everyone!

No matter if you’re dealing with the aftermath, trying to mend what’s been broken, or supporting someone through that journey, I’m here to wrap you in all the love and support I’ve got. I truly believe that magic happens when sincerity, effort, and compassion come together – whether you’re on this path alone or with others.

We’re in this together.

This spot, it’s more than just a collection of resources; I intend for it to be a community of hearts and souls moving towards something better. Your bravery, resilience, and openness to healing inspire me every single day.

So welcome, my friend, to your next step towards a brighter, whole you.

Freedom from Shame

Most of these resources are from my book. I’ll add relevant resources as I find them. Let me know if a link doesn’t for you and I’ll get the resource to you another way.

Freedom from Shame: Trauma, Forgiveness, and Healing from Sexual Abuse

Freedom from Shame

Imagine a Future Where Childhood Sexual Abuse No Longer Casts Shadows Over Your Life
In “Freedom from Shame”, I extend a heartfelt invitation to embark on a transformative journey to free yourself from the lingering impacts of abuse and step into a world of limitless possibilities. With compassion and wisdom, I delve into the complex dynamics that perpetuate cycles of shame and abuse within families, offering hope and liberation to both survivors and those who caused harm. Through a groundbreaking approach that blends my deeply personal narrative of healing and reconciliation with my own father, evidence-based strategies for trauma, and guidance through self-reflection, I provide the tools and support needed for true healing.

Shame is a powerful emotion that can significantly impact our lives, often lurking in the shadows and subtly influencing our thoughts, behaviors, and decisions. It can stem from various sources such as past experiences, societal expectations, or internalized negative beliefs. When left unchecked, shame can lead to a cycle of self-doubt, low self-esteem, and even depression. However, breaking free from this cycle is possible with the right guidance and support. My book, “Freedom from Shame,” is designed to help individuals confront and overcome the debilitating effects of shame, enabling them to live a life of confidence and self-empowerment.

As a life coach and transformational facilitator, I have dedicated my career to helping people reclaim their power and self-worth. “Freedom from Shame” is a testament to my commitment to this mission. Through a combination of insightful guidance, therapeutic techniques, and real-life stories, I guide readers on a journey to identify the root causes of their shame and develop strategies to overcome it.

The healing journey begins with an in-depth exploration of the origins of shame. Readers are encouraged to reflect on their past experiences and identify specific incidents that may have contributed to their feelings of shame. This process can be challenging, as it often requires confronting painful memories and acknowledging deeply ingrained beliefs. However, it is a crucial first step in the healing process. By bringing these issues to light, individuals can begin to understand how their past has shaped their present and take the first steps toward change.

A key component of “Freedom from Shame” is the development of self-compassion. Many people who struggle with shame are often their own harshest critics. They may internalize negative messages and blame themselves for their perceived shortcomings. In the book, I teach readers how to practice self-compassion, encouraging them to treat themselves with the same kindness and understanding that they would offer to a friend. This shift in perspective can have a profound impact on an individual’s mental and emotional well-being, helping them to build a more positive and nurturing relationship with themselves.

In addition to fostering self-compassion, the book also emphasizes the importance of challenging and reframing negative beliefs. Readers learn how to recognize the irrational and unhelpful thoughts that contribute to their shame and replace them with more realistic and empowering beliefs. This cognitive restructuring is a powerful tool for transforming the way individuals perceive themselves and their abilities. By changing their internal dialogue, readers can begin to see themselves in a more positive light and feel more confident in their ability to navigate life’s challenges.

“Freedom from Shame” also incorporates elements of mindfulness and emotional regulation. Readers are taught techniques for managing their emotions and staying present in the moment, rather than getting caught up in negative thought patterns. These skills can be particularly useful in moments of high stress or anxiety, helping individuals to remain grounded and centred. Over time, practising mindfulness can lead to greater emotional resilience and a more balanced approach to life’s ups and downs.

Community support is another vital aspect highlighted in “Freedom from Shame.” Readers are encouraged to connect with others who are going through similar experiences, creating a sense of camaraderie and shared understanding. This supportive network can be incredibly valuable, providing encouragement and accountability as individuals work toward their goals. By sharing their stories and learning from others, readers can gain new insights and perspectives that enrich their own healing journey. Check out our Courageous Conversations Podcast.

“Freedom from Shame” offers a comprehensive and compassionate approach to overcoming shame and building a life of confidence and self-empowerment. Through a combination of self-reflection, cognitive restructuring, mindfulness, and community support, readers are equipped with the tools and strategies they need to break free from the shackles of shame. If you are ready to embark on a transformative journey and reclaim your sense of self-worth, “Freedom from Shame” is here to guide and support you every step of the way. Embrace the opportunity to live a life free from shame and full of possibility.

Let’s take this step together, toward a life defined not by what has been, but by all that can be.

Start Your Journey
Ready to embark on your journey of healing and transformation? Contact Leila Reyes, MSW, to schedule a free 15-minute consultation. Whether you’re dealing with trauma, seeking personal growth, or wanting to improve your relationships, Leila is here to help you achieve your goals.

Connect with Leila Reyes, MSW, on Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIn, and Twitter to stay updated on relationship coaching insights and emotional healing tips.

Leila Reyes, MSW, is dedicated to empowering individuals to live their best lives through compassionate and effective relationship coaching. Start your journey towards healing and happiness today.